GEN I Fertilizer System

  • Slide_6_Ton_Montag_mounted_on_16_row_Kuhn_Krause_bar_4
  • Slide_6_Ton_Montag_system_behind_8_row_Kuhn_Krause_Gladiator_1
  • Slide_6_Ton_Montag_system_behind_a_12_row_OrthmanXD_3
  • Slide_6_Ton_Montag_with_Lift_Assist_behind_12_row_Remlinger_Strip_Till_bar
  • Slide_9_Ton_Montag_behind_16_row_Dawn_Strip_Till_bar_5
  • 6-Ton Montag mounted on a 16-row Kuhn Krause bar
  • 6-Ton Montag system behind an 8-row Kuhn Krause Gladiator
  • 6 Ton Montag system behind a 12-row OrthmanXD
  • 6-Ton Montag with lift assist behind a 12-row Remlinger Strip Till bar
  • 9-Ton Montag behind 16-row Dawn Strip Till bar
GEN I Fertilizer Unit
The Montag Generation One (GEN I) metering system is unique to the industry with its well-tested design made of 300 series food grade stainless steel. Because of its simple design, long life and unique metering ability, it has become the standard for deep banding dry fertilizer.



Stainless Steel Metering Augers at every row

  • Row to Row accuracy best in the industry

Food Grade Stainless Steel and Poly Construction

  • Long life, cleans up easy

Single Hydraulic Input Requirement

  • Reduces hydraulic requirements allowing for more options for grower

PWM Hydraulic Block Standard

  • The Montag specific hydraulic block allows for industry leading control of the product metering system and the fan with only one hydraulic bank required.
  • The block includes safety valves to protect the fan seals and reduces heat in the hydraulic system.

Product Fill Screen Standard (½” or ¾”)

  • Removes large materials when loading that can plug down tubes or can harm metering system.

Non-Pressurized Tank

  • Reduces air requirements by limiting air pressure.
  • Simpler design with no gasket seals on lid.

37-Pin cable for multiple rate controller options

  • Allows growers to use on current controller (with 37 Pin JD) or to use standard adapter plugs for other controllers.

Tank ladder access

  • Safe entry and exit.
  • Access for clean out.

Unique Montag Fluid Bed – Air Delivery System

  • Reduced horsepower requirements (fan runs @3800 RPM or less)
  • Fertilizer is introduced into the air stream at the air chamber requiring less pressure to move it to the row unit

All components are corrosion resistant

  • Any component that comes in direct contact with fertilizer is either stainless steel or plastic.
  • Components outside the tank (such as valves / weigh bars / elec. harnessing) are all selected with our corrosive environment in mind for in field reliability.

2–Section capable (16 & 24 row)

  • 16 & 24 row machines can be factory installed with 2 section drive or components can be purchased and added for 2017 models and newer.




  • The Speed Sensor Motor is included with all GEN I Montag metering systems.
  • The Raven Encoder is only available as a field install kit.
GEN 1 Tank

Tank Size

  • Available in 6- or 9-Ton Poly Tank
Montag Meter

Tank Colors

  • Tank colors available in Gray, Yellow and White.
Montag Meter

Standard & High Output Meter

  • Standard Meter Sizes: 8, 12, 16 and 18 row
  • High Output Meter Sizes: 8, 12, 16, 18 and 24 row

Standard Rate or Low Rate Augers

  • Low Rate Augers can be added to an existing GEN I giving you the ability to apply half rates.

2-Section or Single Auger Drive

  • 16 or 18 row machines can be factory installed with 2 section drive or components can be purchased and added for 2017 models and newer.
  • NOT available for 8 and 12 row machines.
Tank Screen

Screen Size

  • Available in ½” or ¾” screen to size product so as to reduce blockage in either the auger or the injection tube (behind the knife on the toolbar).
  • Screens are constructed completely out of stainless steel.

Scales – Available in Digital or ISO

Light Kits

J. Assy Fertilizer Sensor

